The Social Cognition and Intergroup Processes Lab

at Eckerd College

Dr. Stephanie Mallinas (she/her) directs the Social Cognition and Intergroup Processes Lab at Eckerd College. She received her B.A. in Psychology and Sociology from The College of New Jersey and her M.S. and Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Florida State University. Dr. Mallinas's research broadly examines prejudice, stereotyping, and other forms of social judgment. More specifically, her work focuses on the roles of ideology, morality, threat, and motivation in social attitudes and perceptions. Her research also considers how we decide whether others are similar to or different from us and how we perceive them based on that assessment. Dr. Mallinas enjoys working with students throughout every step of the research process. In her free time, she loves reading, boating, and spending time with her husband and two puppies. 


Curriculum Vitae